Getting Started
Let's see how we can install Dartive before we get started with anything.
Ensure that you have installed Dart (opens in a new tab) on your system.
To install Dartive, run the following command in your terminal:
dart pub global activate dartive
In order to support fast reloading, we recommend that you install Dartivemon as well (optional):
dart pub global activate dartivemon
To check if Dartivemon is installed correctly, run the following command:
dartivemon --version
Work in Progress(dartive create)
Quick Start
Dartive is a pure Dart framework, which means that you can use any editor you like to develop your Dartive applications.
If you would wish to create a new Dartive project that has both the Flutter application as well as the Dartive server on the backend, check out Velocity!
If not you can clone the example project from here (opens in a new tab)
The recommended file structure for a Dartive project is as follows:
- model1.dart
- app.dart
- pubspec.yaml
With that that is all you need to test your deployment out!
Running the server
In order to understand the various functions that Dartive comes with, we can try running the default Dartive Example Application (opens in a new tab) and we can run through what it exactly does and how Dartive operates as a whole.
You can download it with one click from here (opens in a new tab)
We would briefly run through the basic commands in the next section
Upcoming updates
Support for Isolates
- Isolates are threads which would enable multi-threading in Dartive
- This would allow for better performance and scalability
- This would also allow for better support for websockets
- Websockets would allow for real-time communication between the client and the server
- This would allow for better support for real-time applications
- GraphQL would allow for better support for queries and mutations
- This would allow for better support for real-time applications
Vector Databases
- There are plans to introduce a layer on Velocity to support a vector database, this would create a data layer on top of the existing database to allow for better support for real-time embedded applications